For almost fifty years we thought to have cleared the tango. In 1945 the boogie-woogie unleashing madness had fallen in Italy, then came the cha-cha-cha, rock, twist, the beat, shake him and disco music. How could still take seriously an old dance showing fataloni that stole hearts entwined in languid maidens?
Yet there were still woman and man who, indifferent to the fashions, continued to dance the tango in the evenings of "smooth",
Of course they tried to disguise the romantic attraction and vaguely sinful speaking ironically about the tango: in the songs we joked about "casquét" and did the parodies of Valentino. Today Tangomania erupted almost like the good old days. The tango is danced everywhere, every night too young people that amused to see dancing it began to try. They realized, damn, that this music was crisp and tremendously sexy, that this continued contact-to-pressure gave a very different feeling from aseptic dances at distance.
Of course, in that moment it become logical the returns to spotlight of ALDO MAIETTI one of the few real Italian experts on the subject. But we must hasten to add that MAIETTI has not gone ever the tango. That an audience, not only Italian but internationally, has always had in the years of the most furious ye-ye. And he is the only in Italy to devote himself without interruption to this eternal dance for over half a century.
He was a boy in 1919, when he reached Milan from the province of Lombardy to listen to a typical orchestra Argentina. As on his violin that he could not play tangos (which Pitigrilli called "prelude embrace in a vertical line) did his best to get in that orchestra, and he succeeded. Within a few years he formed an orchestra of its own and became famous as a conductor and composer to be called by the press: "KING OF ITALIAN TANGO".
He toured in Buenos Aires and Paris, becoming a friend of the most prominent "tanghisti" , the legendary Eduardo Bianco Francisco Canary Osvaldo Fresedo the great Astor Piazzolla and the famous singer's voice with hair slicked murderous ERNESTO RONDO. Rondo wanted record with him and other famous tango’s players of TANGO ARGENTINO felt honoured to play in the orchestra of these cute "gaucho Milanese" which had to assimilate their "real style".
MAIETTI had an hard moment toward the end of the fifties. Presenting himself to a music publisher with his latest compositions, he was told that "that stuff" was already outdated. Anyone else would have resigned to throw in the trash, or change their genere. MAIETTI no. By investing all his earnings planted his own publishing company and record company with the firm intention of composing and anachronistic and affect only and always "tangos." He has composed more than 400. For the golden oldies will be continually updating, even though almost no one in Italy if aware of it because the demands were mostly from abroad: France, Germany, Poland, Greece, Turkey. Japan and South America
Its merit is not only that of absolute fidelity to tango, but also the capability of continuous updating. Listening to his records, from early years to today, you can notice a gradual replacement of styles from European to purely Argentine that make his performances always more enjoyable.